Top Ten Places to Discover in Greenville

As I've been preparing to teach another group of freshmen at GC (as well as breaking in some eight or nine new faculty members), I've decided to try and put together my top ten places to discover in Greenville. Some of these are well-known and public, others reveal more about my own preferences than the town. If you have others to add to the list, be sure and make a comment below. . .
1. Montrose Cemetery--designed in the mid-nineteenth century, some of the headstones are beautiful. And, besides, some of my favorite people from Greenville's past lie buried here.
2. Almira House--restored to its 19th century glory, this is where higher education began in Bond County in 1855 and now houses the fascinating Bock sculpture collection.
3. The Gullies--the best place to see the infamous trees of Greenville, it has hosted numerous outdoor classes, make-out sessions, and lonely introverts whose only company is a good book.
4. Simcoe Prayer Chapel--dedicated a little less than a year ago, this cozy corner of the Whitlock Music Centre provides a place to pray, read, and meditate. Thanks to a generous gift in honor of Edith and Riker Simcoe, the simple pews, prayer benches, altar railing, communion table, and lectern bespeak sacred space.
5. Town Square/County Courthouse--the center of town, this is where the MUNY Band plays, infamous trials are held, numerous memorials to the military dead may be found, and all things interesting takes place.
6. Patriot's Park--about a mile outside of town, there are swings, a playground, benches, and a lake. And, this is where the annual Independence Day festivities take place. A gorgeous place to sit on a cool autumn day (besides the Gullies).
7. Globe Theatre/Will's Coffee House--thanks to Dave Willey, Greenville's City Manager, we have a place to watch films and drink coffee. The movies tend more towards popular action shtick, but if you talk to Dave real nice sometimes he'll risk something a bit more artsy.
8. Greenville College Archives/LaDue Memorial Wall--think the famous scene with Robin Williams whispering in the boys' ears, "Carpe Diem!" Papers of famous faculty (along with various and sundry other articles) and a spot to remember those who have given a lifetime to Christian Higher Education.
9. Sunset Point/Carnegie Library--if you're walking west just at the right time, you not only can pass a famous piece of architecture made possible by the Carnegie Foundation but you can see the sun begin to dip below the horizon on one of Greenville's most interesting cul-de-sacs.
10. Upper Union looking across Hogue Lawn--thanks to the energy of Dr. and Mrs. Mannoia, you can look out across the south lawn on a spring day and see all of nature coming to life. Renovations to the Upper Union make it a great place to socialize, watch a movie, or enjoy a hot cup of coffee. Make sure to check out the "old" pictures displayed on the south wall, including one of yours truly with my then-girlfriend, now wife, and another of ENOCH, our band that went to Toronto in 1976-77.
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